
January 2019

Funding awards for the spectrograph and the fiber system

We have been granted funding for the construction of the spectrograph and the fiber system thanks to two grant awards by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation throughout its 2018 Scientific Infrastructure Call (Ref. EQC2018-004621-P) and the regional Junta de Andalucía program to strengthening research institutes for the acquisition of the "Severo Ochoa" award of excellence (Ref. SOMM17/5208/IAA).

A single IFU pointing on M33

The figure shows one fiber bundle location on M33 including the giant HII region NGC604 in the bottom left hand side. A total of 784 fibers can be accommodated side by side for a fiber core of 100 micron (FoV=8.62”) and total fiber diameter (including clad, buffer, and tolerance) of 150 micron (12.93”).
In a squared arrangement as shown, this provides a FoV = 6’ x 6’, and a total of some 80 pointings to cover entirely M33 (credit: E. Pérez).
