
March 2019

A new JVLA radio survey of M33

White et al. (2019) have performed new 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz observations of the Local Group galaxy M33 with the Jansky Very Large Array. The survey has a limiting sensitivity of 20 μJy and a resolution of 5.9′′ (FWHM), corresponding to a spatial resolution of 24 pc. This map offers an unique opportunity for the comparison at the same spatial resolution with our planned LUCA IFU spectroscopy of M33 at the Schmidt telescope.

This figure, taken from White et al. (2019), shows a 4.4' by 10.7 region of the southern spiral arm in M33. The top panel is the color radio spectral index map. Locations for optically-detected SNRs are shown as white ellipses; many can be identified by cross-referencing to the middle panel that shows a three-color image of continuum-subtracted emission line data, with Hα in red, [SII] in green, and [OIII] in blue. The bottom panel is a continuum-subtracted Hα image. The green overlay shows radio contours from the 1.4 GHz data. Red crosses mark the positions of radio sources from their catalog in this region. Some of the complexity of making associations between radio sources and either H II regions or SNRs can be seen here.